Finding your personality type

Finding your personality type can have many positive effects on myers_1your life. In addition to become aware of destructive patterns in your behavior, you’ll also develop a greater understanding of how you live and learn and what type of activity is suited for your personality. A little secret, when you use your dominant function, you have unlimited energy.

How do I find my type?

There are numerous test resources on the internet, you can find a link to a few at the bottom of this article. The unfortunate side to taking one of these tests without a qualified assistant, is that people tend to make mistakes when attempting to type themselves. This includes:

Answering how they want to be rather than how they are.

I’m a natural type B person, this means that I like staying up late and prefer getting up late. However, due to having to get up early for work most mornings, my natural pattern is forced to give to be replaced by a work-pattern 5 days per week. In the same way, many people may bring their “work-self” with them when testing their type, especially if the test is in a work-related context.

The natural pattern being suppressed

Sometimes during our lifetimes we are put into situations where we alter our pattern for some reason. If you’re taking the test under stress your shadow personality may be the one answering for you, or your self-perception may not be clear.

Social stereotypes

Male feelers and female thinkers may appear and perceive themselves as the opposite. It’s quite common for male feelers and female thinkers to mistype. Interestingly enough, it’s more common for feelers to mistype as thinkers than vice versa. Part of this most likely stems from people who prefer feeling to perceive their own process as highly logical, where it’s usually obvious that something is a thinking judgment rather than a feeling judgment.

Type descriptions

The type descriptions are in many ways the bane of personality typing because a set of types have a tendency to feel related to the description either due to it being what they ideally would like to see themselves as, or because they embody what they feel they should be. This leads to a range of mistypes because it’s like buying a car based on the salesman’s description.

So how do I find my type?

The best way is through using the concept of triangulation, which is a mix of self-study, reflection and test resources.

By using multiple test resources of varying types (both Dichotomy and cognitive function based) you eliminate the most common mistypes due to poorly defined concepts. The Myers-Briggs test for instance can cause a lot of judgers to score as perceivers and vice versa due to often deciding the “J-P” dichotomy based on “Do you have obsessive compulsive disorder or are you a total slob”.

By self-study, self-reflection and educating yourself on personality type code, you can identify poor or in-congruent results. I used to score as ENTP on MBTI when I was younger, and now score as whatever I want due to understanding how the tests are constructed. However, based on cognitive functions and self-study, it’s obvious that I’m actually an ENTJ.

To summarize:

The only way to find your correct type is by mixing the tests with self-study, and also being very honest and aware of your own bias and mental state when taking the test. I score as more of a perceiver if I’ve been in a context where I’ve had to deal with over-structuring or under-structuring for an extended period of time. I score as more of a feeler if I’m a bit depressed.

However, over time as you dive deeper into personality type-code you’ll triangulate yourself to your actual type.

Personality tests: A dichotomy based test by Dr. David Keirsey, author of “Please understand me” and “Please understand me II” A cognitive functions test by Dr. Dario Nardi Author of “8 Keys to self-leadership” and “The Neuroscience of Personality”.

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